Superfoods also take care of Amazonia’s health
The development of sustainable value chains for quinoa, cocoa, sesame, and other high-nutritional-value crops can foster integration into international markets, benefit the region, and contribute to sustainable development goals.
Why is there growing demand for Central American cocoa?
In pre-Columbian times, cocoa was a commodity so valuable it was used as a currency. In Mesoamerica, where it has been consumed for millennia, the Aztecs paid for everyday items in cocoa beans. Three would buy you a turkey egg, one hundred a whole hen.
How cattle ranchers can profit from planting trees
In agriculture it’s not often that you find a relatively simple way to increase production by up to 20%. Planting trees turns out to be one such way for cattle farmers. Cows like shade and grow much faster if they graze on pastures dotted with trees. Studies show that combining livestock herding and forestry on the same stretch of land can lead to an 8% to 20% increase in dairy and meat production in the Southern Cone region.
Behind the Scenes: Access to Food in the Time of COVID
The agribusiness sector has proven particularly resilient. How have Latin American food production value chains fared during the crisis and what strategies are they taking to confront new challenges?
What Imminent Opportunities and Challenges Does Our Region’s Agro-industry Present?
With the evolution of agro-industry, competing pressures, opportunities, and new challenges arise leading to a reformulation of the sector’s bases and forms.
Sustainability boosts agribusinesses
The gap between companies that do only what is essential in managing sustainability versus those who are already capturing its benefits could soon become an irreversible gap that buries some but catapults others.