IDB Invest upholds the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability. We require this of our clients and we require it of ourselves.
Find below the main ways you can contact us, according to the kind of information you might need.
| Institutional Information

IDB Invest is the commercial name of the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC). Find here our governance documents, including the IIC Establishing Agreement, By-Laws, Regulations and Rules of Procedure of the Board of Governors and the Board of Directors, Regulations for Election of Executive Directors, Codes of Conduct, and more.

Corporate Structure
Meet our Senior Management Team, Board of Governors, Regional and Non-Regional Member Countries.

Documents of the Board of Directors
Find here Documents of the Board of Directors, Resolutions, Documents of the Committees of the Board and Resolutions of the Board of Governors.

Financial Information
IDB Invest produces an annual Information Statement that includes the Management Discussion & Analysis and audited financial statements.

Sustainable businesses pose a lower risk and are more likely to have a positive, lasting impact on development. It’s no wonder that sustainability is a core value at IDB Invest. Find here our Sustainability Policy, Implementation Manual, Environmental and Social Exclusion List, Annual Reports, Publications and more.

IDB Invest’s mandate is to maximize development impact while maintaining financial sustainability, a two-sided objective shared with many impact investors. Find here our Operating Principles for Impact Management, Assesstment Tools, Impact Management Framework and Publications.

Find here information about our procurement procedures, opportunities and awarded procurement contracts.

Our people
Learn about our vacancies, staff benefits, salary scale and more on our careers page.

Access to Information
Here you can download our Access to Information Policy, learn about our Review Mechanism Decisions, the External Review Panel and also file an Information Request Form.
| Grievance and Accountability Channels

Social & Environmental Grievances
This channel, the Management Grievance Mechanism (MGM), serves external stakeholders to submit complaints related to environmental, social, or governance issues of a project financed or to be financed by the IDB Invest.

Independent Accountability
This is an independent accountability office, the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (MICI), that manages complaints related to an IDB Invest financed projects.

Report Suspect Fraud or Corruption
This is the channel to submit concerns or allegations of fraud, corruption, or other Prohibited Practices in IDB Invest-financed projects to the Office of Institutional Integrity (OII), an independent office of the IDB Group.