How Do We Transition to a Green Economy Without Leaving Anyone Behind?
This crucial change for the planet must be inclusive, equitable, and participatory to mitigate social costs.

Seven Factors that Make Inclusion a Winning Strategy for Business
The participation of stakeholders and vulnerable communities in the design of projects and in the value chain, accompanied by a commitment to diversity and a robust sustainability policy, are an ethical imperative, but also the best way to achieve business objectives.

We Are Half the Population But Less Than One-third of Top Corporate Leaders. What Can Companies Do?
The evidence is solid: companies with women in leadership positions achieve clear financial and business benefits. Despite significant challenges, the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean has the opportunity to do more about it.

Facilitating Successful Climate Action for Latin American and Caribbean Small and Midsized Businesses
Businesses that manage and reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have the opportunity to lower their production costs, become more efficient, develop resiliency against the impacts of climate change, and access markets with environmental demands and regulations.

Seeking a Just, Gender-Conscious Climate Transition
The net-zero transition will struggle to move ahead if it’s not gender-conscious and doesn’t meet the needs of entire communities across Latin America and the Caribbean.

Four Ways to Put the Circular Economy to Work for Your Company
The circular economy is tailor-made to tackle climate change and to shepherd the limited natural resources we depend on. In past years, we have seen a tremendous uptake of this agenda in the region, both in terms of policies and public initiatives as well as private sector action.