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Central de energía eólica
Innovative Incentives for Early Coal Plant Phase Out: The case of Engie in Chile

An example of how carbon markets can be a useful tool to accelerate the energy transition process in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Image showing three hispanic women during a business meeting
Inclusive Procurement 101: How to Integrate Women into Supply Chains

Inclusive supply chains that integrate women suppliers, mainly women-led or -owned SMEs, drive economic growth, employment and business benefits, while creating an opportunity to build partner loyalty and offer new perspectives and ideas for innovation.

How Power Batteries Can Accelerate Decarbonization

There can be no global shift to renewable energy without better storage technology. New solutions such as Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are emerging in the region to help build the business case for coupling this technology with renewables.

Advancing Gender Equality with Incentives that Work

The challenges faced by the financial sector to convert more women into clients can be addressed by combining well-designed incentives and advisory services.

Making Women Welcome: the Next Challenge for Renewable Energy Construction Projects

If we want the benefits of the energy transition extended to women, then private sector-led workforce development – focused on female employment in construction, currently very low – is critical.

Addressing Climate Change while Building Resilience in Agriculture

The dual need for adaptation and mitigation investments requires an innovative approach. Blended finance and advisory services can offer a fresh start.