Traveling for Good: How Nature-Based Tourism & Regenerative Travel Can Drive Development
Nature-based & regenerative tourism make the common interests of travelers and impact investors intersect – they drive a genuine desire to pursue meaningful sustainability principles in the context of profitable projects.

Boosting Sustainable Tourism to Promote Land Conservation
Sustainable tourism helps to finance land conservation efforts while preserving natural ecosystems. A recent initiative in Chile’s Torres del Paine national park is a great example of this.

Food Waste is on the Menu as the Hospitality Sector Rebuilds
The drastic disruption in tourism activity due to the pandemic offers an opportunity to consider food waste management as a way to improve operating margins and redirect the sector’s path towards a more sustainable future.

Caribbean Tourism: The Private Sector Cannot Do It Alone
Caribbean economies that heavily depend on tourism require meaningful public stimulus. One key to recovery is to keep businesses solvent.

Regional Tourism Industry Binds Together to Overcome COVID-19
As tourism awaits the reopening of economies, it’s crucial to stay close to industry stakeholders, to understand how they are handling the pandemic and mitigating the impact on the business, employees and the community at large. One thing is clear: no one has the luxury to stand on the sidelines as a spectator.

Why Should the Tourism Sector Care About Food Waste?
Every year, over 1 billion tons of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. Given its position at the consumption end of the food value chain, the tourism sector is a strategic industry to fight this problem.