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Posts by Financial Institutions

A woman entrepreneur working on her laptop
Innovation, Technology, and Finance to make SMEs Stronger and More Productive

An initiative driven in El Salvador by IDB Invest, IDB Lab, and Banco Cuscatlán promotes digital transformation and adopting financial and non-financial products.

Una emprendedora en su taller de costura
The Sustainable Bond that Transformed Central America's Financial Markets

Thanks to this operation, Banco Promerica improved people's lives, helped many SMEs successfully navigate the pandemic, and contributed to the economic and social development of the region. It was an unprecedented initiative.

Dos personas ante una pantalla en una oficina
Sharing Knowledge, Key to Transition to a Sustainable Economy: Our Experience in Mexico

The growing interest of companies and investors in thematic bonds goes hand in hand with the need to provide them with the tools and knowledge to guide them on this path. The results, so far, speak for themselves. And the future looks promising.

Panama financial sector
Integrity for Business: an Integrity Guide for Financial Institutions in Panama

A new guide providing practical assistance when developing or enhancing compliance programs may help lower integrity risk, a key hurdle for some foreign investors looking to work with banks in the region.

hands picking up coins with trees sprouting from them
A Sustainable Opportunity for Paraguay

Paraguay has a unique opportunity to position itself in the global market and seek its first thematic bond. With the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference, COP28, just around the corner, the time has come to make this a reality.*

Reaping the Benefits of Subordinated Bonds: The Case of Banco de Bogotá

Subordinated bonds can extend financing to the real sector and priority segments, such as small- and medium-sized enterprises, women entrepreneurs, and green projects that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.