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Terence Gallagher

Terence Gallagher, de nacionalidad británica, es el jefe de inclusión financiera en BID Invest desde abril de 2018, con sede en Washington, D.C. Antes de su incorporación a BID Invest, se desempeñó desde 2008 como especialista en micro y pequeñas empresas y como responsable de las inversiones en América Latina y en África Subsahariana para la Corporación Financiera Internacional (IFC) del Grupo Banco Mundial en la oficina de Río de Janeiro. Terence comenzó su carrera como banquero de inversiones en Citigroup en Londres, Nueva York y São Paulo, en esta última ciudad se dedicó casi una década a brindar apoyo a los gobiernos y corporaciones de mercados emergentes para acceder a los mercados internacionales de capital. Desde 1999, se dedica a las microfinanzas, al principio trabajando como consultor para diversas organizaciones como Acción Internacional, Development Alternatives Incorporated y Planet Finance. Posee una maestría en economía de la Universidad de Cambridge, Reino Unido.

Posts by Terence Gallagher

Una mujer recibiendo un pago electrónico con su celular
Is Digital Transformation Improving Financial Inclusion? Here Is What We Found Out

Institutions of all types and sizes have embraced the new technologies to update their business and reach marginalized groups. Progress is uneven, but the opportunities are enormous.

small business, financing, digital, e-commerce
Using Digital Payments to Push Financial Inclusion

Access to digital transactions leads to the financial inclusion of the unbanked, underbanked and vulnerable populations, while boosting the resilience and growth of micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

The Silver Economy: from Inclusive Responsibility to Thriving Business

Through the "silver economy", senior citizens are a source of business for the private sector. Financial inclusion of this growing population segment will create opportunities throughout the region.

The Digitization of Financial Cooperatives, a Must for Inclusion

The digitization of financial cooperatives, a fundamental component of the financial sector in the region, is accelerating. There are numerous examples of progress, from Ecuador to Jamaica, that provide grounds for optimism.

Amid the Pandemic, Governments and Multilateral Development Banks Must Continue Supporting Financial Institutions

Governments and multilateral development banks in Latin America & the Caribbean are playing a critical role in supporting financial institutions amid the pandemic, but must be ready to up the ante as the ultimate effects of the lockdown measures become evident in the financial sector, especially key microfinance institutions

Inclusion Financiera
Financial Institutions Are Withstanding the Crisis, but Uncertainty About the Future Persists

Financial systems in Latin America & the Caribbean are performing well in times of COVID-19, and are better prepared for the crisis than ever; however, this doesn't mean that they are immune, and a protracted downturn may test their resilience