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A healthcare professional with a smartphone
Digitalization for Inclusive, Efficient and Fair Healthcare

Adopting new technologies in the pharmaceutical and healthcare space can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, facilitate the early detection of serious illnesses, and help promote healthy habits among the population.

Empleado de una compañía de aguas
Efficiency and Competitiveness: New Technologies Revolutionize Water and Sanitation Services 

Digital acceleration in the urban water sector is critical to addressing one of governments' main challenges: water security. This translates into the availability and access to water in quantity and quality that ensure supply to citizens and the conduct of productive activities.

Un agricultor utiliza una aplicación para controlar sus cultivos
Cutting-edge Data for  Agricultural Resilience: Introducing AGRIADAPT

How can agribusinesses proactively navigate the effects of climate change and become more resilient? By unlocking the potential of data.  IDB Invest has created AGRIADAPT, a tool based on cutting-edge agricultural and climate data that provides customized climate vulnerability analysis and adaptation recommendations.

Three Examples of Public-Private Partnerships in Health Care for Latin America and the Caribbean
Three Examples of Public-Private Partnerships in Health Care for Latin America and the Caribbean

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are a suitable option for increasing private contribution to improving health care in Latin America and the Caribbean. Three notable cases implemented in Spain and Uruguay demonstrate this.