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Using Climate Finance to Close Gender Gaps in Renewable Energy

Women face hurdles to access jobs in the high-growing renewable energy industry. More than 80% new jobs created by the decarbonization agenda will be in male-dominated sectors. Blended finance solutions are an important tool to incentivize sponsors to take proactive steps to dismantle these barriers to gender equality.

Women, Drivers of the Energy Transition

There is a significant call for more female representation at the top levels of energy companies. But it's not just a matter of adding to equalize shares. It's about ensuring that the female perspective is present throughout the energy sector's value chain.

The Way Forward: Four Lessons for Women’s Economic Empowerment

Based on the IDB Group’s track record with supporting women’s economic empowerment, here are four overarching lessons with a focus on private sector initiatives. Some may seem obvious at first glance, but there are still many institutions, both public and private, that don’t consider women´s particular needs.

Gender, Regional Trade & Inclusive Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Greater women participation in the labor market and in the business ecosystem should strategically consider technological development and changes in value chains, to achieve a truly sustainable female economic empowerment within the framework of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

IDB World: Government Responses to the Pandemic, Elders and Female Security

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries on the responses of Latin American and Caribbean governments to the pandemic, lessons to be learned from plans for the elderly in France, and women's safety in the region

Gender Equity in Business: How Are We Doing in the Region?

A recent IDB INTAL and IDB Invest study highlights the various problems women are faced with in the labor market. Some of the most important are horizontal and vertical segregation, as well as the gender pay gap in companies in the region.