Private Labels in the Latin American and Caribbean Grocery Market: An Analysis of Local Supply Chains and the Inclusion of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, with a Gender Perspective

This report provides in-depth analysis of Latin American and Caribbean supermarkets’ private label (“store brand”) products and their impact on supermarkets’ value chains and consumers, especially regarding product development and inclusion.
Private labels tend to offer lower price alternatives to commercial brands, while still maintaining high-quality standards. From an impact perspective, as more companies in Latin America and the Caribbean embrace private labels, there are more choices for consumers and a unique opportunity to increase the participation of local businesses as suppliers, especially MSMEs and women-led MSMEs.
The report highlights the benefits and challenges faced by retailers, MSMEs, women-led MSMEs, and consumers while developing comprehensive, responsible private label value chains. It also includes 6 retailer case studies: Grupo Ta-Ta (Uruguay), Grupo La Anónima (Argentina), Grupo Éxito (Colombia), Walmart (Mexico and Central America), and Carrefour (Argentina and Brazil). Download also the actionable insights guide for this report.
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