Good Practice Note: Labor Management in the Sugarcane Supply Chain
This Good Practice Note (GPN) has been developed with the aim of guiding users in addressing risks related to labor relations throughout the production chain of the sugarcane sector, involving sugarcane producers, third-party service providers, and sugar and ethanol mills, encompassing all production stages.
The GPN focus primarily on social issues related to human rights, including child labor, forced labor, labor relations, discrimination, as well as the health and safety of workers. Throughout the document, risk management methodologies, references to best practices, and tools for performance control and monitoring are presented. The adopted narrative aims to clarify the primary risks associated with each theme and provide examples of best practices adopted in the industry.
We hope that this document can serve as a guide to support companies and society in establishing dignified, responsible, and constructive labor relations in the sugarcane production chain throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
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