Consultation is now closed
Access to Information Policy Implementation Guidelines

IDB Invest, a member of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group, is consulting its Access to Information Policy Implementation Guidelines. As part of this process, IDB Invest makes available the Implementation Guidelines draft on November 4, 2019, and will receive comments for 30 days. The proposed Implementation Guidelines draft is now available to the public for comments.
The objective of the current public consultation of the Implementation Guidelines is to listen to the suggestions of interested parties and to give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the Policy implementation.
At the end of the consultation and once approved, the final version of the Implementation Guidelines will be made available to the public on this webpage.
Download the Access to Information Policy Implementation Guidelines in your preferred language

IDB Invest: Access to Information Policy Implementation Guidelines
1350 New York avenue, NW.
Washington, DC. 20577. USA.
The Public Consultation of IDB Invest Access to Information Policy Implementation Guidelines will be made at this website and by postal mail.
Postal mail:
Public Consultation of IDB Invest Access to Information Policy Implementation Guidelines
1350 New York Avenue, NW.
Washington, D.C., 20577. USA.
Register here to participate at virtual Consultation.
- Public Consultation of IDB Invest Access to Information Policy Implementation Guidelines made available to the public.
- Digital Consultation open for 30 days. (consultation period is now closed)
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