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Carlos Narváez

Carlos Narváez is the lead agribusiness investment officer at IDB Invest. He is a specialist in structuring financial solutions, sustainability and impact. He has professional experience in the development and execution of high-profile agribusiness deals in countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Venezuela. In addition to his experience at the IDB group, Carlos worked at CAF, Banco Santander, and BBVA in various project finance and investment banking positions. He holds a master's degree in finance from IESA and a degree in economics from Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Posts by Carlos Narváez

Trabajadoras rurales en el campo
Combating Multidimensional Poverty from the Private Sector Requires Much More Than Jobs

For Danper, a leading Peruvian company in the global agri-food sector, understanding the living conditions of its workers and their families is fundamental to strengthening actions to improve their quality of life.

A farm worker.
Digital transformation and agribusiness: trends and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Agribusiness in Latin America and the Caribbean is crucial in strengthening the regional economy. Characterized by its vast expanse of arable land, abundant natural resources and unique biodiversity, the agricultural sector contributed significantly to the region's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021, representing 6.9% of the economy.

A Lifesaver for Agribusiness: the Financial Resiliency Clause
A Lifesaver for Agribusiness: the Financial Resiliency Clause

Exposed to phenomena such as El Niño, agribusinesses in Latin America and the Caribbean require protection by the financial system. One tool for this is the financial resiliency clause, developed to address the reality of climate change and the challenge posed by different natural disasters.