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Lucas Figal Garone

Lucas is a Senior Economist in the Strategy and Development Department of IDB Invest, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in Argentina. He has more than 10 years of experience leading the design, monitoring and evaluation of projects in order to maximize their impact on the economic, social and environmental development. He too, he leads economic analysis, studies, impact evaluations and testing of innovative solutions for the generation and dissemination of knowledge related to the operational experience of the IDB, its clients and the public-private sector of Latin America and the Caribbean. Previously, he has worked in the Competitiveness, Technology and Innovation, and Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness Divisions of the IDB in Washington DC. Lucas is also Visiting Professor of the Department of Economics of the University of San Andrés (UdeSA) and Coordinator of the SIDPA productive development initiative. His areas of experience and interest are economic development, productive development, evaluation of policies, investments and development projects , and applied economics. His recent research includes publications in World Development, Research in Economics, The Journal of Development Studies, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Development Effectiveness, Research Policy, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Small Business Economics, and IDB WP Series, and chapters in some books. He has a PhD in Economics from UdeSA, where he obtained his Master's Degree in Economics, after obtaining his Bachelor's Degree in Economics at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

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